Changelog Legend: ---- [+] = Added [*] = Changed [^] = Moved [=] = No Changes [x] = Deleted [!] = Bugs (02/04/2013) - Minor Bug Release - Version [!] TinyNav [object] [^] MS filter is back in. ---- (02/03/2013) - Maintenance and Minor Bug Release - Version [!] Title Tag while AIOSEOP not activated. [!] SB Holder for landing page templates. ---- (02/03/2013) - Maintenance and Minor Bug Release - Version 1.8.9 [x] IE filters for buttons. This also removes the conflict with video plugins. (props Ulrich Pogson) [*] FitVids [object] removal. (props Ulrich Pogson) @see: [+] Functions to check whether or not All in One SEO and WordPress SEO are activated. In: /includes/functions.php and header.php for WP SEO. If AIOSEOP, we will remove the Responsive's wp_title filter. And use wp_title() only for WP SEO. Pretty nice stuff. [*] Theme Options info buttons. Changed "Donate Now" to more visible blue color and removed Responsive classes. ---- (01/27/2013) - Maintenance and Minor Bug Release - Version 1.8.8 [!] SelectBox for Android and iPhone [*] SelectBox style.css improvements [*] link fix [*] Support link for style.css [x] Arabic language duplicates [+] Hindi language ---- (01/06/2013) - Improvements - Version 1.8.7 ---- Please see: ---- [*] Copyright date change to 2013 [+] New and improved Responsive menu style updates in: - /js/responsive-scripts.js - /js/responsive-plugins.js - style.css - rtl.css [*] Language updates for: - responsive.pot - Italian - Dutch - Estonian [+] SEO Improvements - Highly recommended wp_title filter added in functions.php -- -- [+] Unique function class for custom menus in widgets ---- (12/23/2012) - Maintenance and Improvements - Version 1.8.6 [+] Localization - responsive.pot - Languages improvements - New Languages (40 total) - Arabic - Estonian - Hindi - Korean - Turkish [+] If statement for breadcrumb lists and code formatting [+] Breadcrumb lists to Blog and Blog Excerpt Template [*] CSS Improvements [*] Twitter Icon to comply with guidelines [*] New screenshot.png for Retina displays ---- (12/09/2012) - Maintenance and Improvements - Version [!] Sidebar Half Page - rtl.css ---- (11/25/2012) - Maintenance and Improvements - Version 1.8.4 [*] blog-excerpt.php Template now uses a default sidebar [*] content-sidebar-page.php Template is now the only Template where right sidebar is assigned to. [*] IE9+ Conditionals [x] IE6 Conditionals [+] IE Conditionals to target non-ie browsers. [+] FitVids support for YouTube's "privacy-enhanced" mode. [+] Border Radius and improvements for Author's Box. [!]
 code fix


(11/14/2012) - Maintenance and Improvements - Version 1.8.3
[*] TinyNav Update -
[*] CSS Fix for TinyNav on the landing page template


(11/07/2012) - Maintenance and Improvements - Version 1.8.2
[*] Localization Improvements
[*] TinyNav Update
[*] CSS Improvements

(10/11/2012) - IE Fix - Version
[!] IE Current Page Item Fix


(10/09/2012) - Maintenance and Improvements - Version 1.8.0
[*] W3C Markup Validation
[!] Android Squares in Menus
[*] All New CSS Button Gradients
[*] New Default Logo
[*] New TinyNav Background
[*] New Screenshot
[*] CSS Improvements


(09/30/2012) - Quick Bug Fixes - Version
[!] Partial Localization
[!] Top Widget Form
[!] Error 404 Forms
[x] (temporary) Previously added 4 languages
	- Indonesian
	- Welsh
	- Turkish
	- Romanian	

(09/27/2012) - Maintenance and Improvements - Version 1.7.9
[*] Localization and Languages
    - Global Localization Improvements
	- New responsive.pot re-generated
	- New Languages (32 total):
	- Indonesian
	- Welsh
	- Turkish
	- Romanian
[*] style.css
    - Pretty Indentation
	- Better Form Responsiveness
[!] style.css
- IE7 dropdown menu [x] - #widgets ID from top-widget not needed - X-UA-Compatible from header.php not needed [+] W3C Markup Validation [+] RTL Support ---- (09/09/2012) - Maintenance and Improvements - Version 1.7.8 [*] Language Revisions - responsive.pot - Japanese - Finish - Lithuanian [*] Script Updates [*] style.css - IE image fixes - pre code improvements - general improvements and clean-ups [x] no-title, substituted with dates only [+] Retina (HiDPI) Display Support - Media Queries [+] TinyNav - page/post select box intends [+] Top Widget ---- (08/27/2012) - IE7 Bug Fix - Version 1.7.7 [+] Theme Options, support links hook [+] New Languages - Czech - Hungarian - Greek [*] responsive.pot [*] tinynav.js jQuery 1.8.0 compatibility (08/21/2012) - IE7 Bug Fix - Version 1.7.6 [!] widget clearfix ---- (08/19/2012) - Maintenance and Improvements - Version 1.7.5 [+] Shortcode support for home and featured areas [+] Colophon widget (on-demand) [x] style.css - Table blocks for 480px - Margins for old widgets [*] style.css - Description [x] Old action hook [*] Modernizr 2.6.1 (update) (08/06/2012) - Improvements - Version 1.7.3/4 [+] WooCommerce Compatible [+] New Languages - Japanese - Chinese (Taiwan) [*] responsive.pot [*] style.css for WooCommerce Compatibility ---- (07/19/2012) - Improvements - Version 1.7.2 [+] Multilingual Ready ( [+] style.css - b,i,iframe,embed and object ---- (07/09/2012) - Improvements and Maintenance - Version 1.7.0/1 [+] New Languages - Chinese - Dutch - Finish - Icelandic [*] responsive.pot [+] class for all post titles [+] post navigation links [*] global CSS improvements [+] Theme Options support links ---- (07/02/2012) - Footer Bug Fix - Version 1.6.8/9 [!] footer items did not align properly while there was no menu or icons (07/01/2012) - Improvements, Maintenance - Version 1.6.8 [+] New Languages - Russian - Lithuanian - Danish - Slovenian [!] Yelp icon [*] CSS page load improvements [*] Icons optimizations [+] FitVids support for HTTPS [!] IE7 JS tinynav [*] Dummy content revisions ---- (06/24/2012) - Bug fix - Version 1.6.7 [!] Unformatted form fields [+] Polish Language ---- (06/24/2012) - Improvements - Version 1.6.6 [+] missing social icons added in previous version [!] tinynav.js ---- (06/23/2012) - Improvements - Version 1.6.3/4/5 [+] Theme Options [+] Serbian and Persian languages [+] New media queries 240 and 320 [x] JS Dev removal of duplicates [+] Tinynav CSS [+] Icons Yelp, Vimeo and foursquare [*] FitVids support for Wistia [!] Missing select image [+] Placing back modernizer.js DEV ---- (06/11/2012) [*] Improvement in Theme Options [*] Tinynav to show Home instead of Navigation ---- (06/08/2012) - Maintenance - Version 1.6.0/1 [!] /includes/version.php [!] fallback_cb for all but main menu [!] admin-head-callback < 3.4 [*] code beautifying ---- (06/07/2012) - Maintenance - Version 1.5.9 [x] Theme Option redirect upon activation [*] /includes/version.php 3.4 compatibility [*] Theme Option name < 3.4 compatibility [+] menu hover color [+] antialiased CSS [x] body background image CSS [+] minimized responsive menu ---- (06/03/2012) - Version 1.5.8 [!] missing search query from search.php ---- (06/02/2012) - Version 1.5.6/7 [*] all* language updates [+] new languages - Croatian - Serbian (Latin) [+] featured image support for archive.php [+] overflow auto for blockquote [*] improved search.php ---- (05/26/2012) - Version 1.5.4/5 [+] new languages - Bulgarian - Norwegian [*] all* language updates [+] direct script access disallowed [*] featured-image.png [*] screenshot.png [x] Google Font removed for non-English language compatibility [+] all* "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; [*] search.php text [*] all* not found arrows [x] breadcrumbs for search.php [*] reduced font-size in theme-options.css [*] more precise responsive grids [*] style.css maintenance ---- (05/17/2012) - Version 1.5.3 [+] new languages - Malay - Catalan - Spanish [*] CSS tutorial link changed to ---- (05/13/2012) - Quick Bug Fixes Version 1.5.2 [*] comment counts in comments.php [*] help-links in /includes/theme-options.php [+] new .pot generated [+] new languages - Swedish [*] CSS buttons ---- (05/10/2012) - Bug Fixes/Maintenance Version 1.5.1 [!] missing textdomain in - comments.php - home.php (CTA button) - /includes/functions.php - /includes/theme-options.php [!] function prefix missmatch in - /includes/functions.php [+] new .pot generated [*] new German language generated [+] new languages - Portuguese - French - Italian [*] screenshot.png ---- (05/01/2012) - Maintenance Version 1.5.0 [+] missing textdomain for 'powered by' footer.php [*] featured-image DIV end (comment only) home.php [+] Instagram and Pinterest icons [+] custom styles in Theme Options [+] German translation [*] theme-options.css ---- (04/24/2012) - Bug Fixes/Maintenance Version 1.4.8/9 [!] dropdown menu clear background [!] no breadcrumb chevron on page levels [+] Class for breadcrumb lists CSS [+] form-allowed-tags element [*] search.php post-meta rearrangement [*] default logo [*] featured image [*] localization [*] reset input class CSS (04/21/2012) - Bug Fix [!] Breadcrumb List chevron was not displaying correctly on Windows based systems ---- (04/18/2012) - Maintenance Version 1.4.5/6 [!] social icons px fix [+] WP 3.4 add_theme_support('custom-background') w/backward compatibilities [+] WP 3.4 add_theme_support('custom-header') w/backward compatibilities [+] new breadcrumb lists [*] featured-image.png [*] screenshot.png ---- (04/14/2012) - Maintenance Version 1.4.4 [!] blog.php and blog-excerpt.php while frontpage fix [+] image dimensions for social icons [-] image dimension for social icons CSS [*] PHP sidebar-left headings [x] unnecessary theme options functions.php [x] sub-header-menu border-radius ---- (04/05/2012) - Maintenance Version 1.4.2/3 [x] widgets ul styles CSS [*] widgets a padding CSS [^] widgets ul styles to widget-wrapper and widget-wrapper-left [!] widgets were breaking styles CSS/functions.php [!] main menu current_page_item CSS [*] margins for widget titles CSS [!] featured-title line-height CSS [*] featured-subtitle padding CSS [+] clearfix to widget-wrapper [+] footer a color CSS [+] post-data a color CSS and font-weight [+] comment-meta font-size CSS [x] global links underline [*] Theme description in style.css [*] headimg background-repeat none /includes/functions.php [*] read-more font-weight CSS [+] widget-wrapper DIV to all default sidebars ---- (04/01/2012) - Maintenance Version 1.4.0/1 [x] ul children for better CSS efficiency [x] ul widget a color [x] form div margins [+] ID/class for all widgetized areas [*] author-meta margins [*] WP-Core image alignments [*] top-menu CSS [*] featured div comments [!] extra ; in .address CSS [+] word-wrap to all p's and headings CSS [x] paddings for global a's CSS [+] margin-bottom for site-description CSS [+] font-weight for site-name CSS [x] header search-box CSS [x] featured-button CSS [*] jQuery version in theme-options.php [x] border in pre CSS [*] blockquote's CSS [*] author-meta CSS ---- (03/27/2012) - Maintenance Version 1.3.8 [*] description typo in style.css [+] link color in style.css for better visibility [*] load_theme_textdomain in /includes/functions.php ---- (03/22/2012) - Maintenance Version 1.3.6 [x] #widgets #s padding in style.css [+] bbPress breadcrumb compatibility patch by Dan Smith [+] localization support ---- (03/21/2012) - Maintenance Version 1.3.4 [!] #widgets p border bug [x] #widgets p [+] .textwidget for demo only [x] .widget-title, .widget-title-home h3 height:23px [!] Responsive videos ---- (03/17/2012) - Maintenance Version 1.3.2 [+] jquery.fitvids.js for responsive videos [*] respond.js for responsive videos [^] CSS featured to featured Content [+] Additional JS authors added [*] CSS featured-image [*] comments_popup_link search.php [*] CSS heading word-wrap:break-word [*] CSS aligncenter margins [*] sitemap.php [+] CSS pre margin [*] comments cite [*] CSS forms [*] posts_per_page=-1 sitemap.php ---- (03/15/2012) - Version 1.3.1 [+] CSS formatting [x] the_excerpt ---- (03/15/2012) - Version 1.3.0 [!] Prefix inconstancy for comment reply function [+] wp_enqueue_scripts instead of wp_print_scripts [+] wp_enqueue_style for Google Fonts replaced with a static link [+] translation function in: - comments.php - functions.php - home.php - sidebar-home.php - sidebar-gallery.php - single.php - search.php [+] wp_filter_post_kses changed to esc_url_raw in theme-options.php [+] CTA references changed to Call to Action followed by option renaming for the same in theme-option.php and home.php [+] class for home #widgets [^] titles just after #widgets [^] widget-title-home h3 in .widget-title [x] widget-title-home h3 a [*] read more [x] gallery-meta [+] CSS source formatting [+] social-icons center align for responsive layout [x] post thumbnail CSS [+] See more to Read more in all files [+] global $more; $more = 0; for pages with _excerpt ---- (03/12/2012) Initial Release